@Rocketman: The FDA says the same about the vaccines, there is not sufficient evidence to recommend its use, the FDA never approved it.
Here is a RECENT meta-analysis of 15 trials: https://journals.lww.com/americantherapeutics/fulltext/2021/08000/ivermectin_for_prevention_and_treatment_of.7.aspx
Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.
What the media and those other media and half-scientific sources you claim say is about prevention of COVID, not about the treatment and they are intentionally mudding the waters, presumably on behalf of their corporate overlords. That is why I'm assuming Merck to be highly biased, as they are one of the vaccine providers. Selling a $5 OTC drug to only the sick is less attractive than a $25-75/dose vaccine to everyone. We know the WHO is highly biased, we know the government is highly biased, so why don't you point to an actual recent study like I did from a scientific journal.